Saturday, April 30, 2016

Week 9: Abraham Lincoln

My challenge from last week was to write a new joke.

Result: partial(?) success.

I worked on some jokes, but I won't say I really met the spirit of my challenge. I got a little derailed by having a show this weekend (tonight), so I spent some of my joke writing time building out a solid set for that. But I got some new directions together, and hopefully I can get a more complete joke worked out for another show I have this month.

Anyways, here is where my joke is (being accountable here):

"I think it's pretty uncool that Abraham Lincoln died. I feel like that guy had a lot going for him, including that world's best trump card:

'Abraham Lincoln! Are you still in bed at this hour?'

'Yes, Mary Todd. I guess I'm just still exhausted from FREEING ALL THE SLAVES.'

Can you imagine having that trump card today?

'Excuse me, sir, but do you know why I pulled you over?'

'Excuse me, sir, but do you know how many slaves I freed?'

'...My apologies, Mister President, I didn't know it was you. Looking back, the top hat probably should have been a giveaway. I guess I just didn't think you'd be able to fit in a Prius.'

To be honest, though, the whole "death" thing feels a little irresponsible. People get shot for doing a lot less, Abe really should have seen that one coming.

See, I'm the exact opposite. I live in constant fear of assassins. Like if I'm driving and the car behind me follows me through two turns, I automatically assume they are following me home to kill me."

Anyways, that's my joke so far. I obviously have a long way to go, but I feel like there are spots ready to be expanded. The point (and hope) of this is that as I try to stretch my creative ability, I will also be prepared to stretch my account planning ability. It was a fairly successful week at work, so maybe it's working?

I will still work on this challenge, because I have a show the end of May I'd like it to be finished for. I am, however, also starting a new challenge this week. I let a friend pick the next book I am going to read, hoping that it can also expand my thinking by introducing me to something I never would have read/considered otherwise.

It worked. This week, I'll begin to read "The Eyre Affair" by Jasper Fforde.


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